Dear Colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to attend ICAA2022 – The International Congress on Medical Aesthetics & Anti-Aging which will take place 25-26 October 2022 in Tel Aviv, Israel.
The Congress is ideal for practicing clinicians with specific interests in dermatological aesthetic treatments. The Congress will update attendee’s knowledge on energy based devices treatments, botolinum toxins and fillers presently used in aesthetic dermatology. The focus of the meeting will be on the evaluation and management of patients affected by dermatological problems suitable to be treated by lasers and other energy sources.
The main topics of the Congress will be the following:
Updates on laser surgery
Updates on Botolinum toxins
Updates on Fillers
Updates on home use devices
The Congress will welcome physicians, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, aesthetic physicians, aesthetic nurses, dental practitioners, treatment experts, industry leaders and other experts to the beautiful city of Tel Aviv.
We look forward to your active participation.

Meet our Sponsors
Meet our Exhibitors
Meet our Speakers

Lewis Dermatology & Associates, New York, USA

Congress Program

Lewis Dermatology & Associates, New York, USA

Prof. Guy Ben Simon , Ophthalmologist, Israel
Injections (and peeling)
Dr. Marina Landau, Dermatologist , Israel

Lewis Dermatology & Associates, New York, USA

Sofwave™ breakthrough, non-invasive Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam Technology SUPERB™ FDA-cleared to lift the eyebrow, lift submental tissue, improve facial lines and wrinkles.
Moderator: Prof. Moshe Lapidoth, Israel

Verner Clinic Medical Center, Israel

Verner Clinic Medical Center, Israel

Moderators: Prof. Assi Levi, Israel & Dr. Ofir Artzi, Israel

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We look forward to hearing from you.